A Girl's Mystery Illness Was Solved When Something Weird Shot Out Of Her Nose

Kids always seem to have colds, but when five-year-old Khloe Russell's 6-month stint with a runny nose started to stink, her mother panicked.

Doctors assumed that it was a sinus infection and prescribed various antibiotics, but it wasn't until she blew her nose into a tissue one day that a bizarre object flew out.

For six months, one side of Khloe's nose let out a constant flood of green mucus. Her mother told ABC 7 that "it stunk."

Doctors all over Hemet, California, prescribed different medications, but none of them worked.

Frustrated by the whole thing, Khloe's uncle told her to blow her nose as hard as she could. Much to everyone's surprise, out came a safety pin.

Only a kid could forget that she snorted a metal object. This situation could have been much, much worse.

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