These People Are So Bad at Life You're a Genius in Comparison

1. Da Dum, Da Dum, Da Dum DaDum DaDum DaDum
Guys, it's fine. He just wants to pose for a picture. Say, "Jaws!"

2. Mouthfeel
Oh no, it's not dangerous. He's just talking to his friend, Jeb, who was eaten last week. Jeb wants a Mounds Bar.

3. Shocking Stupidity
Don't worry. It was always Jeff's dream to win a Darwin Award while wearing swim trunks and holding a beer.

4. Far Gone
Has this guy never seen Fargo?! Foot + wood chipper = BAD COMBO.

5. Saw VIII
In this Saw movie, two men are locked in a room with a bunch of wood, a saw and a table and told they have 12 hours to figure out how to escape.

SPOILER ALERT: They do NOT do well.

6. Moose Trouble
Despite its silly name and even sillier look, the moose is one of the most dangerous animals on the planet. So good luck outrunning this beast, guys!

7. Catch Me If You Can
"OK, OK, this is going to work. All you have to do is drop it slowly. That's a thing humans can control, right? The speed at which giant objects fall to the ground?"

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